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Bodija International College offers secure and comfortable boarding facilities for students from ages six upwards.  Our home from home facilities is a place they grow, make life long friends and develop within the security of a strong moral atmosphere.  The house matrons and all our boarding staff line with the students, take great care of their wellbeing, needs and aspirations and ensure someone is available 24 hours.  They monitor individual child who has to maintain excellent behaviour both within and outside school times.  Their safety is also of paramount importance.  There are regular medical health checks

Weekends are usually days of rest.  But students get involved with the various sporting activities that are weekend based within the Hostel.  They attend church services in groups and are accompanied either by a matron or a senior member of students’ leadership academy.  The routine for boarders is strict.  We insist they keep good attendance at meal times and to adhere to the principles of the school, good manners and respect for everyone.

Meals are catered for in our modern kitchen and is available for both boarders and day students.  After school hours, and during evening study time, we arrange special tuition period for students who need to improve on their school work.  Such students also benefit from special Counselling by the House matrons.

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